Friday, 21 September 2012

My 22nd Birthday

For everyone that knows me well knows that I LOVE birthdays! Especially mine! So 5:30am on 16th December was a normal time for me to wake up! Whilst lying in bed thinking I will let my parents sleep in a for a little longer I received a message from an excited dad, so I jumped straight out of bed! To my surprise as I swung open the door I looked down to find Josh just sitting on the landing smiling up at me.
We both walked to mum and dads room (it is a family tradition to open our birthday presents on mum and dads bed!) and opened cards and presents. Dad returned to the room with my birthday cake (my FAVOURITE, rainbow chip cake mmmmm!!)

Best breakfast ever :)

I then wanted to play one of my birthday games (new Disney scene it! yes I am 22 years old). After a while Josh turned to me saying I still had his presents to me to open. WAHOOOOOOO, I just thought he had forgotten haha! Joshua, mum and I then went back upstairs. Josh passed me a bag full of silver warped goodies. There were 7 presents (my thoughts are in the brackets):

1.   Nutella (Mmmm! Random but I love Nutella!)
2.   Oreos (Another thing I like, but maybe not for my birthday though!!)
3.   Tea towels (Excuse me!!!)
4.   Toothbrush (Is he trying to tell me something!!!!)
5.   Ruler and Rubber (I don’t know what to think!!!!!)
6.   Oxo cubes (Is he trying to tell me to cook?!!!!!!)
7.   Olive oil (Ok, how rude! I don’t understand what meal he wants me to be cooking with all these random ingredients!!!!!!!)

Looking at Josh in absolute confusion he then tells me that I need to take the first letter of each word and then use them 7 letters to create a word!
Whilst trying to work it out mum and Josh were both recording me which confused me even more! But putting the distractions to the side I finally got it!!!!!!!!
Oxo cubes
Tea towels
Olive oil

Toronto?! I couldn’t stop looking at Josh in amazement! He was just staring back nodding and with a massive grin on his face!

We are flying to Toronto, Canada on 13th January 2012!


Then, mum comes running back into the room with more presents! A big pink polka dot suitcase, winter hats and gloves and spending money J how can my day get any better??!

We later spent the day in London ice-skating and eating yummies at Zizzi J

Oh, what a day?!

BRING ON 13th January 2012!

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